Service Tax Appeal No. 482 of 2012-DB
(Arising out of OIA-190-191/2012/STC/AK/COMMR-A-/AHD Dated- 29/08/2012 passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise-AHMEDABAD-II)
Jagdish Warehouse Owners Association
C.S.T.-Service Tax – Ahmedabad
Service Tax Appeal No. 483 of 2012-DB
(Arising out of OIA-190-191/2012/STC/AK/COMMR-A-/AHD Dated- 29/08/2012 passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise-AHMEDABAD-II)
Ravi Chambers Owners Association
C.S.T.-Service Tax – Ahmedabad
Shri. Raj Tanna, Advocate for the Appellant
Shri. R.P. Parekh, Superintendent (AR) for the Respondent
Final Order No. A / 10051-10052 /2023
DATE OF HEARING:15.09.2022
The brief facts of the case are that the survey was carried out by
Service tax Commissionerate, Ahmedabad, and it was found that both the
Appellant M/s Jagdish Warehouse Owner Association and M/s Ravi Chambers
Owner Association had rented out the property to State Bank of India. The
said activity is covered under the taxable services under the category of
„Renting of Immovable Property Services‟. A show cause notice was issued
proposing to demand the short paid service tax along with interest and also
for imposing penalties. In adjudication, the Original Authority vide Order-in
Original dated 30-11-2011 confirmed the service tax demand along with
interest and also imposed penalties. In appeals, the Commissioner (Appeals)
vide impugned order-in-appeal No. 190 to
191/2012(STC)/AK/Commr.(A)/Ahd. Dated 28-08-2012 has upheld the
same. Hence, these appeals.
On behalf of the appellants, Ld. Advocate Shri. Raj Tanna appeared
and argued the matter. He submits that Ld. Commissioner (Appeals) has
erred in law and on the fact of the case in upholding the views of the
adjudicating authority that Appellant association has provided impugned
property on rent in the name of their members and accordingly liable to
discharge the alleged service tax on “ Renting of Immovable Property”.
2.1 He also submits that Both the lower authorities have failed to
appreciate that the Appellant Association is neither the owner of the
impugned property nor have provided impugned property on rent to the
Bank and further not received any rent and accordingly the Appellant
Association cannot be saddled with the liability of alleged service tax on
“Renting of Immovable Property”.
2.2 He further submits that both the lower authorities have failed to
appreciate the facts that 39 individuals own separate, individual and
independent property in their own name and they have provided impugned
properties on rent to state Bank of India in as much as all they are in
receipts of rent separately, individually and independently in their own
names. The gross amount received by the individual owners are not in
excess of threshold exemption limit of Rs. 10 Lakhs and accordingly under
the circumstance they are also not liable to service tax.
2.3 He also argued that individual owners have provided the premises on
rent vide entering into one leave and licence agreement on 06.08.1999,
whereas the levy of service tax on renting of immovable property was
introduced much later in the year 2007 and therefore while acquiring the
properties as well as entering into agreement with the State Bank of India. It
can never be the intention of the Appellants to avoid service tax by showing
that they are independent and separate owners of the respective property.
The said agreement was further renewed by entering into agreement dtd.
05.08.2008 for further period of 10 years.
2.4 He further summits that vide para 11,12,and 13 of OIA, it was the
observation of the Commissioner (Appeals) that as per the Transfer Property
Act, the three essential condition required to determine ownership of the
property are right to possess, right to enjoy and right to dispose and
accordingly it was allegation of the Commissioner (Appeals) that the
individual owners do not have much right and therefore impugned property
is owned by Jagdish Warehouse Owners Association and Ravi Chambers
Owner Association and it is not owned by the individuals. The Ld.
Commissioner (Appeals) has completely lost sight of the fact that all the risk
and reward attached to the impugned property belong to the individual
owners and not Jagdish Warehouse Owners Association and Ravi Chambers
Owner Association.
Ld. R. P. Parekh, learned Superintendent (Authorized Representative)
appeared and argued the matter on behalf of the Department. He reiterated
the findings of impugned order and submits that the demand of servicetax
on the appellants is correct and proper.
- We have considered the submissions made by both sides and perused
the records. We find that the rented property are owned by 39 individual in
their name individually and separately and they had entered into lease
agreement with the State Bank of India to provide their individual property
collectively to the Bank through single lease agreement. The Appellants also
placed on records a copy of Lease deed signed by each individual owner,
copies of Municipal Tax Bills issued in the name of each owner separately.
We also find that in the present matter individual owner received the rent
separately and independently. As per the payment terms, Bank paid
different amount of rent to individuals as per their property. Therefore
irrespective of associations of the property, the important aspect is that who
are the parties in the agreement and who have received the payment on
account of renting of immovable property and who is the service provider.
The amount received by individual owner for renting of their immovable
property cannot be clubbed for the purpose of service tax demand.
Therefore, the demand is apparently not sustainable.
In the present matter the Appellants are not the actual service
provider, hence demand of service tax against the appellant legally not
correct. It is very much brought out by the documents that the appellant is
not the absolute owner of the rented property. The lease deed as well as the
related documents shows that the property is owned by the individual
owners and it is not disputed that the income by way of rent is received by
individual owners separately and reflected in their income-tax returns
separately. When the property is not owned by the appellant and they have
not received the rent, the demand of servicetax raised on the appellants
alone, therefore, cannot be sustained. We hold that the demand of service
tax cannot be sustained and requires to be set aside. Consequently, the
impugned order is set-aside.
In the result, the appeal is allowed with consequential relief, if any.
(Pronounced in the open court on 13.01.2023 )
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