Excise Appeal No. 10150 of 2021-SM
(Arising out of OIO-DMN-EXCUS-000-COM-043-20-21 Dated- 06/11/2020
passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax-DAMAN)
Excise Appeal No. 10456 of 2021
(Arising out of OIO-DMN-EXCUS-000-COM-043-20-21 Dated- 06/11/2020
passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax-DAMAN)
Shri. S. Suriyanarayanan, Advocate for the Appellant
Shri. G. Kirupanandan, Superintendent (AR), for the Respondent
Final Order No. A/ 10053-10054 / 2023
DATE OF HEARING: 03.01.2023
This appeal is directed against the de novo order dated 29.10.2020
passed by the Commissioner, Central GST & Central Excise, Daman
Commissionerate whereby the learned Commissioner denied the Cenvat
Credit in respect of Education Cess and Secondary & Higher Education Cess
under the invoice issued by the 100% EOU.
Shri. S. Suriyanarayanan, learned Counsel appearing on behalf of the
appellant submits that the appellant had already reversed the Cenvat Credit
of Education Cess prior to show cause notice, thereafter, the same was also
excluded while calculating the demand of Cenvat credit, hence, the
Education Cess and Secondary & Higher Education Cess was not the subject
matter of the show cause notice, accordingly, the impugned order denying
the Cenvat credit on Education Cess and Secondary & Higher Education Cess
is beyond the scope of show cause notice, hence, the same is not
sustainable. He further submits that there is substantial unutilized balance
of Cenvat credit in respect of Education Cess in the Cenvat account of the
appellant at the time of switching over to GST regime , hence, the credit
balance was lapsed, for this reason also demand is not sustainable.
Shri. G. Kirupanandan, learned Superintendent (Authorized
Representative) appearing on behalf of the revenue reiterates the finding of
the impugned order. He submits that there is no dispute that the appellant
at the relevant time was not eligible for Cenvat Credit on Education Cess and
Secondary & Higher Education Cess on the invoices issued by the 100%
EOU. The only plea of the appellant is that the denial of Cenvat credit in
respect of Education Cess and Secondary & Higher Education Cess is beyond
the scope of show cause notice . In this regards, he submits that in the show
cause notice the proposal to deny the Cenvat credit is not only in respect of
basic Custom duty but also of Education Cess. Therefore, it cannot be said
that in the order impugned a fresh case was made out by the learned
Commissioner. Hence, the demand was rightly confirmed in the impugned
I have carefully considered the submission made by both the sides and
perused the records. I find that there is no dispute on merit that the
appellant was not eligible for Cenvat credit in respect of Education Cess and
Secondary & Higher Education Cess paid by the 100% EOU. The appellant’s
submission is that the denial of Education Cess was not subject matter of
show cause notice. On perusal of the show cause notice, I find that the
following proposal was made:-
“13. Now, therefore M/s. Micro Inks Limted, Morkhal Init-I, Survey
No. 11 & 13 Village Morkhal, Silvassa, are hereby called upon to show
cause to the Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs & Service Tax,
H.Q. Vapi 4th Floor Adarshdham Building, Daman Road, Vapi as to
(i)The CENVAT credit amounting to Rs. 2,27,27,871/- (BED Rs.
46,65,775/-, education Cess R. 1,29,89,792/- and SHE Cess Rs.
50,72,304/-) as detailed in Annexure-A wrongly availed by them
should not be demanded & recovered from them under Rule 14 of
Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 read with proviso to Section 11A(1) of
the Central Excise Act, 1944.
The interest should not be demanded & recovered from
them under Rule 14 of Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 read with
Section 11AB of Central Excise Act, 1944. On the amount
demanded at Sr. No. (a) above.
Penalty shoul;d not be imposed under Rule 15(2) of
Cenvat Credit Rules, 2004 read with Section 11AC of Central
Excise Act, 1994”.
4.1 From the above proposal in the show cause notice, it can be seen that
the demand of Cenvat Credit is not only in respect of basic Excise duty but
also of Education Cess and Secondary & Higher Education Cess. Therefore, in
this fact it cannot be said that the order denying the Cenvat credit on
Education Cess and Secondary & Higher Education Cess is travelling beyond
the scope of show cause notice. Hence, the demand was rightly made by the
adjudicating authority.
As regard, the submission made by the learned Counsel that they had
accumulated unutilized credit of Education Cess and Secondary and Higher
Education Cess while switching over to the GST regime. I find that this fact
can be examined at the time of recovery of the amount confirmed in the
impugned order. Hence, I cannot give any conclusive finding on the said
As regard, penalty imposed on Shri. Suresh Nair employee of the
appellant’s Company. I find that the issue of correct calculation of Cenvat
Credit on the invoice issued by the 100% EOU was always in dispute,
therefore, malafide cannot be attributed to the employee of the Company in
the facts of the present case. Moreover, he is not beneficiary of any wrong
doing by the Company. Accordingly, considering the peculiar facts of the
present case , I find that the penalty Shri. Suresh Nair employee of the
Company cannot be imposed under Rules 26 of the Central Excise Rules,
- Hence, penalty on Shri. Suresh Nair is not sustainable , accordingly,
set aside.
As a result appeal of the Company bearing No. E/10156/2021 is
dismissed and appeal of Shri. Suresh Nair bearing No. E/10456/2021 is
(Pronounced in the open court on 16.01.2023)
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