Excise Appeal No. 10682 of 2013-DB
(Arising out of OIA-63-64/2012/RAJ/CE/AK/COMMR-A/AHD Dated- 26/02/2013 passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise-RAJKOT)
Abhay Industries
C.C.E. & S.T.-Rajkot
Excise Appeal No. 10683 of 2013
(Arising out of OIA-63-64/2012/RAJ/CE/AK/COMMR-A/AHD Dated- 26/02/2013 passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise-RAJKOT)
Rajesh H Punatar Partner
C.C.E. & S.T.-Rajkot
Shri. Paresh Sheth, Advocate for the Appellant
Shri. Tara Prakash, Assistant Commissioner (AR) for the Respondent
Final Order No. A/ 10009-10010 /2023
DATE OF HEARING: 22.12.2022
The issue involved in the present case is that whether the appellant is
eligible for SSI Exemption available under Notification No.8/2003-C.E. dated
01.03.2003. The case of the department is that since the appellant has used
brand “Bintex” belonging to some other person, benefit of exemption under
the said notification is not available.
Shri Paresh Sheth, learned counsel appearing on behalf of the
appellant submits that the „‟Bintex‟‟ brand is registered in the name of family
members of the appellant and appellant is also one of the owner of the
„„Bintex‟‟ brand as per the Trade Mark Registration therefore, it cannot be
said that the appellant have used brand name of another person accordingly,
the appellant is eligible for SSI exemption under notification no.8/2003-CE
dated 01.03.2003. He further submits that even in case though the brand
belongs to family member, all the family members are entitle to use the
brand for the purpose of availing SSI exemption. As regard the penalty
imposed on Shri Rajesh Harshdrai Punatar, he submits that Shri Rajesh
Harshdrai Punatar is a partner of M/s. Abhay Industries, therefore, the
partner cannot be penalized separately under Rule 26. He placed reliance on
the following judgments:- (Page 3)
M/s Shreeji Enterprise-2018-12-TMI-494 -CESTAT-Ahmedabad
M/s Yash Machine Tools-2019-02-TMI-1415-CESTAT Ahmeddabad
Braco Sales Corporation-2019-369-ELT-789-CESTAT-Mumbai
Laxmi Industries-2013-298-ELT-435-CESTAT-Ahmedabad
Pravin N. Shah-2014-305-ELT-480-Guj-HC
Water & Co. -2017-356-ELT-446-Trib-Chennai
Sunshine Overseas-2016-339-ELT-431-Trib-Ahmd
Jay Prakash Motwani-2010-258-ELT-204-Guj-HC
Shri Tara Prakash, learned Assistant Commissioner (AR) appearing on
behalf of the revenue reiterates the finding of the impugned order.
On careful consideration of the submission made by both the sides and
perusal of records. We find that the limited issue to be decided is that
whether the appellant firm is entitle to avail exemption Notification No.
8/2003-CE dated 01.03.2003 in respect of the goods cleared by the
appellant bearing the brand name of “Bintex‟‟. We find that the “Bintex”
brand is registered with Trade Mark Registry wherein, the appellant partner
Shri Rajesh Kumar Harshdrai Punatar is also one of the owner. In this
regard, we give here under the scanned copy of the Trade Mark Registration.
From the above registration, it is clear that the appellant‟s partner Shri
Rajesh Kumar Harshdrai Punatar is one of the owner of the brand name
“Bintex” out of the other family members. It is also submitted by the
appellant that Shri. Rajesh Kumar Harshdrai Punatar is a partner in M/s.
Abhay Industries from 01.04.2001 onwards. In this fact, we are of the view
that the appellant firm using the brand name of “Bintex” for which the
appellant firm partner Shri Rajesh Harshdrai Punatar is one of the owner of
the brand name “Bintex”, the appellant firm is eligible for exemption under
Notification No. 8/2003-CE dated 01.03.2003. We find that this Tribunal in
various judgments cited by the appellant held that if brand is owned by any
of the member or jointly by the family, any member of the family if use the
said brand, it cannot be said that assessee is using the brand name of other
person. The present case is on much better footing for the reason that the
appellant‟s partner Shri Rajesh Harshdrai Punatar himself is one of the
owner of the brand “Bintex” as per the Trade Mark Registration, therefore,
there is no doubt that the brand name cannot be said to be belonging to any
other person. Consequently, the appellant is eligible for exemption
notification. Since the demand against the main appellant is not sustainable
in view of the above discussion and finding, the penalty on the partner also
will not sustain. Moreover, since the penalty on partnership firm was
imposed, a separate penalty on the partner cannot be imposed as held by
the Hon‟ble Gujarat High Court in the case of PRAVIN N. SHAH & JAY
In view of our above observation, the impugned order is not
sustainable hence the same is set aside. Appeals are allowed with
consequential relief, if any, in accordance with law.
(Pronounced in the open court) On 05.01.2023)
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