EXCISE Appeal No. 10144 of 2021
[Arising out of OIA-VAD-EXCUS-001-APP-174-2020-21 dated 15/01/2021
passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax-VADODARA-I]
Shri Dhaval K Shah, Advocate for the Appellant
Shri. Kalpesh P Shah, Superintendent (Authorized Representative) for the
FINAL ORDER NO.A / 10023 /2023
DATE OF HEARING: 05.01.2023
DATE OF DECISION: 05.01.2023
This appeal has been filed by M/s. IDMC LTD. against denial of capital
goods Cenvat Credit on steel rack used for storage in the premises of the
appellant’s factory.
Learned Counsel argued that the issue is squarely covered by the
decision of Tribunal in the case of Sanghi Industries Ltd. vide Final order No.
A/10423-10424/2022 dated 10.05.2022.
Learned AR relied on the impugned order.
I have considered the rival submissions, I find that the issue is squarely
covered by the aforesaid decision of Tribunal in the case of Sanghi Industries
Ltd(supra), wherein Para 4.5 and 4.6 following has been stated.
“4.5 As regard the availment of Credit of Rs. 11,39,646/- availed on
furnitures, we find that there is no dispute that the said furnitures
are used in guest house and the guest house is part of factory. In
Board‟s Circular No. 943/4/2011-CX, dated 29-4-2011, it is
mentioned that “goods such as furniture and stationery used in an
office within the factory are goods used in the factory and are used
in relation to the manufacturing, business and hence, the credit on
the same is to be allowed”.
4.6 Undisputedly, the guesthouse is used for operations of the
factory. Nothing is available on record to show that guesthouse is
used for any other purpose. In view of this fact, since guesthouse
used for operations of factory which has direct nexus with factory
which produces excisable goods therefore Cenvat credit is admissible
to the appellant on the furnitures used in Guest House of the factory.
We also find that in the case of M/s Agarwal Foundries Vs. Commr.
of C. Ex., Cus. & S.T., Hyderabad 2015 (321) E.L.T. 267 (Tri. – Bang.)
the Tribunal held as under:
“2. After hearing both the sides, I find that in this
case air conditioner has been used within the
factory in the control panel room to keep the
temperature down. There is no dispute that it has
been installed in the factory. As regards furniture,
the learned counsel relied upon the Board’s circular
issued by the Board vide Circular No. 943/4/2011-
CX., dated 29-4-2011. In the circular it was
mentioned that ‘goods such as furniture and
stationery used in an office within the factory are
goods used in the factory and are used in relation
to the manufacturing business and hence the credit
of same is allowed’. This circular was issued after
the amendment of Cenvat Credit Rules specifically
denying benefit of Cenvat credit on certain
activities which are not at all related to
manufacture. The issue before me relates to the
period April 2007. According to the definition of
‘input’ as it existed during the relevant period,
inputs used in the factory ‘for any other purpose’
the credit is admissible. In this case there is no
denial of the fact that furniture had been used
within the factory. Under the circumstances, I have
to hold that appellant is eligible for the benefit of
Cenvat credit and I hold so. In the result the appeal
is allowed.”
4.1 I further find that the Tribunal in the case of Ashok Leyland John Deere
Construction Equipment Co. Pvt. Ltd.-2018 (2) TMI 458 (C. Chennai) has
examined this exact issue and observed as followed:
“4. I find that thereafter an identical issue has come up before
various benches of the Tribunal and the decisions are to effect that
storage racks, used for storing the raw materials is an integral part
of the final manufacturing activity of the assessee and credit has to
be allowed. In the case of M/s. Kosi Plast P. Ltd. Vs Commissioner
of Central Excise, Pune reported in 2011 (271) E.L.T. 93 (Tri. –
Mumbai), the said decision of the Tribunal in the case of M/s. Bayer
Indian Sytans Ltd., (supra) relied upon by -LB), the steel rack used
for raw material storage were held to be an integral part of the
manufacturing activity and hence cenvatable. To the same effect
are some other decisions of the Tribunal in the case of (1) M/s.
Welspun India Ltd. Vs Commissioner of Central Excise, Daman
reported in 2013 (296) E.L.T. 122 (Tri. -Ahmd.); (ii) M/s. Shree
Ramicides Chemicals P. Ltd Vs Commissioner of Central Excise
(Service Tax), Tiruchirapalli reported in 2014 (311) E.L.T. 102 (Tri.-
Chennai); and (iii) M/s. Parle Products Pvt. Ltd. Vs Commissioner
of Central Excise And Service Tax, Bangalore-Ill reported in 2016
(343) E.L.T. 498 (Tri-Bang.).”
Relying on the aforesaid decision, the impugned order is set aside. The
appeal is allowed.
(Dictated & Pronounced in the open Court)
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