Excise Appeal No. 10389 of 2022
(Arising out of OIA-KCH-EXCUS-000-APP-277-2021-22 dated 25/03/2022 passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise, Customs and Service Tax-KUTCH (GANDHIDHAM))
Shri Vinay Kansara, Advocate appeared for the Applicant
Shri Kalpesh P Shah, Assistant Commissioner (AR) for the Respondent
Final Order No. A/ 10210 /2023
DATE OF HEARING: 06.10.2022
DATE OF DECISION: 06.02.2023
The issue involved in the present case is that whether the re-credit
claimed by the appellant is correct or not in terms of para 2C of area based
exemption Notification No. 39/2001- CE dated 31.07.2001. This appeal was
filed against the Commissioner (Appeals) order whereby the Learned
Commissioner (Appeals) has remanded the matter to the Adjudicating
Authority to keep the matter in abeyance till recredit orders are issued by
the Jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner and then to adjudicate the show
cause notice.
Shri Vinay Kansara, Learned Counsel appearing on behalf of the
appellant submits that the order of the Learned Commissioner (Appeals)
travels beyond the scope of show cause notice in as much as the Learned
Commissioner has given the directives/order to carry out reassessment after
12 years and direction to keep show cause notice in abeyance. The
Learned Commissioner himself could have finally decided instead of
remanding it and giving direction for keeping the show cause notice in
abeyance. He submits that the appellant have complied with the provision of
Para 2C of Notification No. 39/2001- CE dated 31.07.2001 therefore, there
is no reason to object the re-credit. He submits that there is no challenge
to re-credit availed for 5 years and the show cause notice was issued after 5
years invoking larger period under Section 11 A for recovery of duties on the
ground that they are not covered under the Notification.
He submits that while taking the re-credit as per para 2-C the same
has not been disputed and proceedings after 5 years would be barred by the
Limitation. The Order-In-Appeal accepts the above facts and set aside the
order in original on the ground that it is pre mature. He submits that once
the proceedings and the issue of SCN was held as pre mature than it ought
to be set aside and the OIA cannot travel beyond the scope of show cause
notice and beyond the ground of appeals before him. He submits that the
ground before the Commissioner (Appeal) taken by the appellant was of
time bar therefore, the Learned Commissioner instead of deciding the case
on time bar remanded the matter to the Adjudicating Authority which is
incorrect and illegal. As regard refund/ recredit of education cess and SHE
cess was not admissible at relevant time hence Section 11 A with larger
period not invokable. He submits that as per the Hon’ble Supreme Court
judgment in the case of SRD Nutrients Pvt Ltd – 2017 355 ELT 481 (SC)
the credit on education cess and SHE cess was allowed. Even though
subsequently the Hon’ble Supreme Court has passed the contrary
judgment in the case of Unicorn Industries – 2019 (370) E.L.T. 3 (S.C.) but
it will not affect the demand in this case being time barred. He placed
reliance on the following decision including their own case.
Commissioner vs. Rudraksh Detergent & Chemicals Pvt Ltd – 2019
(368) ELT (A.341) (SC)
C.C & CE, Rajkot vs. Rudraksh Detergent & Chemicals Pvt Ltd –
2010 (260) ELT 69 (Tri.Ahmd)
Kunhayammed vs. State of Kerala – 2001 (129) ELT 11 (SC)
Pernod Ricard India (P) Ltd vs. Commissioner of Customs -2010
(256) ELT 161 (SC)
Medley Pharmaceuticals Ltd Vs. CCE ,Daman- 2011 (263) ELT 641
RNB Carbides & Ferro Allpys Pvt Ltd Vs. UOI – 2021 –TIOL- 2233-HC
Shri Kalpesh P Shah, Learned Assistant Commissioner (AR) appearing
on behalf of the Revenue reiterates the finding of the impugned order.
We have carefully considered the submission made by both sides and
perused the records. We find force in the argument of learned counsel that
the Learned Commissioner (Appeals) instead of remanding the matter to
the Jurisdictional Assistant Commissioner he could have decided the matter
finally at his end. The appellant emphatically argued on the issue of
limitation. The learned Commissioner (Appeals) instead of deciding the
limitation remanded the matter which in our view is prima facie incorrect. It
is the submission of the learned counsel that after holding the entire
proceeding pre-mature the learned commissioner remanded the matter
instead of deciding finally on this observation itself. We find that considering
the facts and circumstance of the present case the learned Commissioner
(Appeals) ought not to have remanded the matter to the Adjudicating
Authority particularly when the appellant have raised the ground on
limitation. Therefore, we are of the view that the matter should go back to
the Commissioner (Appeals) for deciding the appeal before him finally
without remanding the matter to the Adjudicating Authority.
4.1 Accordingly, we set aside the impugned order and remand the matter
to the Commissioner (Appeals) for passing fresh order on all the grounds
made before him by the appellant.
Appeal is allowed by way of remand to the Commissioner (Appeals).
(Pronounced in the open court on 06.02.2023)
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