SERVICE TAX Appeal No. 535 of 2012-DB
[Arising out of Order-in-Original/Appeal No STC-31-COMMR-AHD-2012 dated 28.08.2012
passed by Commissioner of Service Tax-SERVICE TAX – AHMEDABAD]
Shree Jain Vish Oshwal Club
C.S.T.-Service Tax – Ahmedabad
Shri S. J Vyas, Advocate for the Appellant
Shri Rajesh K Agarwal, Superintendent (Authorized Representative) for the
FINAL ORDER NO.A / 10046 /2023
DATE OF HEARING:08.12.2022
DATE OF DECISION: 12.01.2023
The brief facts of the case are that the appellant is registered trust
carrying out various social and charitable services. Appellant has been giving
its property for temporary rent to generate income to boost its charitable
activities. The appellant was registered under Mandap keeper service and
paying tax regularly. The appellant given the property on temporary basis to
M/s Gandhi Associates for providing other related service to such parties
taking hall on hire basis. As per the understanding, the total receipt was
divided on sharing basis between the appellant and the contractor. The case
of the department is that the share received by the appellant from
contractor is liable to Service Tax under Business Auxiliary Service.
Accordingly, the SCN was issued which was adjudicated by dropping part of
the demand. As regard BAS in respect of contract sharing receipts and also
did not impose penalty in respect of renting income. The Learned
Commissioner reviewed the order of the Assistant Commissioner and issued
notice for review. The Commissioner has confirmed the proposal in the
notice and modified the order in original under review and confirmed the
demand under BAS as well as under renting services income and imposed
penalties. The appellant carried the matter in appeal and this Tribunal vide
final Order dated 30.03.2012, remanded the matter. In remand proceedings,
the Learned Commissioner has again confirmed the tax and imposed penalty
under the impugned order. Being aggrieved from the said Order In Original
appellant filed the present appeal.
Shri S. J Vyas, Learned Counsel appearing on behalf of the appellant
submits that the appellant received the amount not against providing any
service but as a sharing of receipt of the contractor for using their premises
for Mandap keeper services. On the receipt on sharing basis no Service Tax
can be charged as the appellant is not the service provider. He further
submits that the demand was confirmed under Business Auxiliary Service,
However, the order does not specify under which clause of the definition, the
appellant’s service falls. He submits that the non specification of the clause
is fatal to the demand and the order must be set aside with the
consequential relief. He further submits that the calculation of tax is
incorrect in as much as the appellant was not extended benefit of cum tax.
He further submits that entire demand is time barred, for the reason that
the appellant had a bona fide belief that the receipt is not towards the BAS.
He further submits that even if tax would have been paid the same was
available to their contractor for availing the Cenvat credit. Therefore, it is a
revenue neutral case, for this reason also the extended period was not
invokeable. He submits that the Learned Commissioner has erred in
appreciating the distinction between the argument for limitation, and the
argument for no liability to pay. He submits that appellant have not claimed
that due to revenue neutrality tax is not payable. However, the revenue
neutrality is a ground to establish that there is no mala fide on the part of
the appellant and consequentially the demand for extended period cannot be
confirmed as regard the renting service. He further submits that the order
confirms demand of Rs. 985/- under the category of renting of property
service. However, no income tax benefit was extended, which is legally
available to the appellant. He submits that the penalty also not imposable as
there is no mala fide on the part of the appellant. Alternatively, he submits
that simultaneous penalty under Section 76 and 78 is not permissible.
Shri Rajesh K. Agarwal, Learned Superintendent (Authorized
Representative) appearing on behalf of the revenue reiterates the findings of
the impugned order.
We have carefully considered the submission made by both the sides
and perused the records. We find that the Service Tax was demanded on the
sharing of receipt from the total receipt of the contractor. The contractor
provided the service of Mandap keeper to his client in the premises of the
appellant. Therefore, out of the Mandap keeper service as per their
understanding sharing of the appellant was given. As regard the issue that
whether the Service Tax is payable on mere sharing of consideration towards
service will not prima facie amount to provision of any service on the part of
the appellant. Therefore, in our view, the appellant had a bona fide belief in
non payment of Service Tax. The appellant also submitted that this case is
falling under the principle of revenue neutrality in as much as the tax
payment if any made by the appellant is available as the Cenvat credit to the
contractor who has used the premises of the appellant. In view of this fact,
we find that the suppression of fact and mala fide cannot be attributed
against the appellant. Accordingly, the demand is hit by limitation as
extended period could not have been invoked in the fact of the present case.
Therefore, we set aside the demand on the ground of limitation itself.
The impugned order is modified to the above extent. Appeal is allowed.
(Pronounced in the open Court on 12.01.2023 )
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