Excise Appeal No. 374 of 2012
(Arising out of OIA-COMMR-A-92-VDR-II-2012dated 16.02.2012passed by
Commissioner of Central Excise, CUSTOMS (Adjudication)-VADODARA-II)
C.C.E. & S.T.-Vadodara-II
None appeared for the Appellant
Shri. Dinesh Prithiani, Assistant Commissioner (AR) for the Respondent
Final Order No. A/ 10034 /2023
DATE OF HEARING: 29.11.2022
DATE OF DECISION: 10.01.2022
The appeal has been filed by Tennco Exhaust India Private
Limited against demand of Central Excise duty, interest and
imposition of penalty.
None appeared for the appellant although numerous hearings
have been given on 29.08.2022, 28.09.2022, and 01.11.2022 dates
and there was no adjournment request. Consequently, since the
matter is old, it is being taken up for decision Ex-party.
Learned Authorized Representative for the Revenue pointed
out that the appellants are making certain products for M/s General
Motors (India) Private Limited. For manufacture of those products,
they require tools and moulds. The appellants have issued 5
invoices to General Motor (India) Private Limited and paid VAT on
the same. The appellants have claimed exemption under
Notification 67/95-CE in respect of 3 of these invoices as the said
moulds and tools were used within the factory by the appellant for
manufacture of excisable goods for General Motors (India) Private
Learned Authorized Representative relied on the decision of Tribunal
in the case of Steel Authority of India Limited 2016 (334) ELT 661
and JBM Auto 2017 (351) ELT 1107 to assert that the appellants
were required to pay duty on these deemed clearances of goods
within the factory of manufacture.
Learned Authorized Representative further pointed out that
two of these invoices were in respect of goods, namely, Tools and
Moulds cleared by the appellant to their factory located in Pune.
Learned Authorized Representative pointed out that the defence of
the appellant is solely basis on Revenue neutrality. It has been
argued by the appellants that the duty paid would have been
available as credit to them in their Pune Unit and therefore, no
demand can be confirmed against the appellant.
We have considered rival submissions. We find that
Notification 67/95-CE exempts goods including capital goods used
for manufacture of excisable food within the factory of production.
Learned Authorized Representative has relied on the decisions in the
case of Steel Authority of India Limited (supra). In the said case,
the goods, namely, Oxygen was cleared within the factory by the
appellant to FSNL which in turn was using the same for non
excisable activity. Since the same was used for non-excisable
activity, the benefit of 67/95-CE was denied. In that respect, the
decision is not applicable to the present case as in the present case
the appellants are manufacturing excisable goods within the factory
of production. As regard, the decision of Tribunal in the case of JBM
Auto Limited (supra), we find that there aredecisions to the contrary
in the case of Elcon Clipsal (India) Limited Final Order No. 394 of
2002-B dated 06.09.2002. In case and Sheet Metal. Industries vide
Final Order No. 941 of 2002 dated 14.08.2002 in appeal No.
E/438/95/MAS which has been relied upon by the appellant before
the original adjudicating authority. We find the no evidence has
been produced by Revenue to assert that the value of tools has not
been amortized in the value of final product clearance and therefore,
the decision of JBM Auto Limited is also distinguished on that count.
Plain reading of the Notification No.67/95-CE suggests that as long
as the goods are not cleared physically form the factory of
production and the same are used for manufacture of excisable
goods, the benefit of Notification cannot be denied. Thus, we hold
that so far as goods used within the factory of production for
manufacture of excisable goods are concerned, duty cannot be
demanded. The duty on these goods is set aside.
As regard, the goods cleared from the factory to the Pune Unit
of the appellant, the plea of Revenue neutrality has been raised by
the appellant in their appeal memorandum. We nowhere find any
evidence in support of the plea of Revenue neutrality. No data of
the Pune Unit has been submitted and how and in what manner the
goods have been used in Pune has not been stated. In view of that,
we do not find any merit in the defence of the appellant, in so far as
goods cleared from the factory of the appellant is concerned. The
demand in respect of these goods cleared from factory to the Pune
Unit is confirmed.
The appellants have also contended that extended period
cannot invoked in instant case.We find that law on this point is very
clear. Notification 67/95-CE is very straight forward and leave no
scope for doubt. In these circumstances, the motive of avoiding
duty cannot be denied. Thus, we hold that the extended period has
been rightly invoked in respect of the goods cleared from the factory
to the Pune Unit. The demand of duty and penalty on those goods
is upheld. Appeal is partly allowed in above terms.
(Pronounced in the open court on 10.01.2023)
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